Return-path: lseward@rand-unix.ARPA From: Richard Fateman Subject: Call for papers: SYMSAC-86 Message-ID: <2619@randvax.UUCP> Date: Thursday, 1 August 1985, 01:10-EDT Sender: randvax!lseward ------------forwarded message Received: from UCB-VAX.ARPA by rand-unix.ARPA; Mon, 29 Jul 85 10:01:18 pdt Received: from ucbdali.ARPA by UCB-VAX.ARPA (4.24/5.3) id AA22156; Mon, 29 Jul 85 09:54:18 pdt Received: by ucbdali.ARPA (5.5/4.48) id AA01192; Mon, 29 Jul 85 09:59:45 PDT Date: Mon, 29 Jul 85 09:59:45 PDT From: fateman%ucbdali@Berkeley (Richard Fateman) Message-Id: <8507291659.AA01192@ucbdali.ARPA> Subject: Call for papers: SYMSAC-86 Cc: fateman%ucbdali@Berkeley Preliminary CALL FOR PAPERS SYMSAC-86 The 1986 ACM-SIGSAM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation This conference is the leading forum for the presentation of research ideas, systems, and applications of computers in Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation. It is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (SIGSAM). Date and place: July 21-23, 1986, University of Waterloo, Ontario CANADA Papers, Tutorials, System Demonstrations, and proposals for panel discussions are invited on the following topics: Algebraic and Analytic Algorithms Simplification and Canonical Forms Solution of integrals Solution of differential equations Solution of other functional equations Polynomial manipulation Complexity of sequential and parallel algorithms Representation of Mathematical Problems Rule systems Logic programming Special architectures for symbolic processing Geometrical problems Knowledge-based systems Languages and Systems List processing languages Category-theory systems Workstations and user interfaces Symbolic/Numeric problem solving Applications Use of Symbolic Math programs in education Pure mathematics: group theory, number theory; category theory Theorem Proving; Proofs of programs; generation of programs Physics (e.g. relativity, celestial mechanics); Chemistry, Biology Engineering: computer-aided design, finite element generation, etc. New areas related to the interests of SIGSAM members are welcome. Papers submitted will be refereed by members of the program committee and other experts in the field. Information for Authors: Technical papers will be selected on the basis of originality, contribution to the state of the art, contribution to system design practice, and where applicable, methodological rigor. Tutorial or survey papers will be selected that organize and integrate in an original way knowledge in the topic areas. Panel proposals will be entertained for two kinds of panels: debates and symposia. In debates, speakers take opposing views of a controversial topic. In symposia, a coordinated set of papers would be arranged to provide different viewpoints on a topic. Both debates and symposia should encourage substantial audience participation. Abstracts of debates and symposia will appear in the proceedings. At least three participants in the panel are to be confirmed at submission time. Demonstrations should be about 30 minutes long and feature technical characteristics of experimental or commercial systems. The demonstrations should not be viewed as a marketplace, and should be deomnstrated by one of the system's authors. Proposals for demonstrations should include a one-page abstract and a description of technical requirements from the host site. In general, demonstrators are expected to provide their own equipment. Maximum length of technical papers is 5,000 words. Eight copies of submitted papers with abstracts should be postmarked no later than Jan 10, 1986, and sent to Prof. David Yun, Program Committee Chairman, SYMSAC-86 Computer Science Department Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas 75375 Acceptances will be announced by March 15, 1986. Camera-ready copy in the appropriate ACM Conference format will be required by May 15, 1986. Demonstration proposals must be postmarked by April 10, 1986, and submitted to the program committee chair. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be distributed at the conference and sold by ACM-SIGSAM. Authors will be required to sign an ACM copyright release form. Authors considering subsequent publication in another forum (e.g. an ACM journal) should refer to its policies. In some cases journals permit an extended or revised form of a conference paper to be submitted. Conference Information An advance program brochure containing registration and housing information will be mailed to recipients of this announcement in May. General Chairman: Richard Fateman Treasurer: Guy Cherry Local arrangements: Keith Geddes Pgm Committee Chairman: David Yun Program Committee: Bruno Buchberger (J. Kepler Univ. Linz, Austria) Gene Cooperman (GTE, Waltham, Ma.) Keith Geddes (Univ. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) Erich Kaltofen (RPI, Troy, NY.) Jed Marti (The RAND Corp, Santa Monica CA) Charles Sims (Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick, NJ) Paul Wang (Kent State Univ, Kent State, Ohio) David Yun (SMU, Dallas, Texas) [chair]